Update 1.1!

Hi everybody! The first big update of this game is here! Lots of new features and a heaping side of bug fixes.

Of course, a HUGE thank you to everyone who sent in comments and feedback. I don't have as much experience with VR as many of you, so your advice has been absolutely invaluable! Really, really appreciate it!

List of new features and changes:

  • Added distance grab, toggleable in the menu
  • Reset height function - the game will now reset your height both on startup and when you click "start" for users who begin while seated.
  • Reset height button - available in the game menu
  • Added minimum height
  • Hitting the wall near the top will knock down the pot
  • Added a staff nearby to knock down the pot
  • Added arm stretch to keep items in hand better
  • Can now swap the turn/move controls and trigger/grab controls
  • Free mode & mirror mode are toggleable
  • Items that fall outside the play area will teleport back

Bug fixes

  • Red button bug fixed
  • Fixed a bug where the menu pointers would disappear at certain angles
  • Cleaned up the attach point on grab to look better in the hand
  • Changed the snap turn down to 20% to help with motion sickness
  • Updated Oculus grip axis to grip control
  • Stopped overlap of TFs if you put in stones quickly
  • Some general UI fixes in menus

That's it for now, but there are a few more fixes/updates I'm planning for a future release. Including:

  • Restart feature
  • Restart just before the ending feature
  • Change range on distance grab
  • Add highlight/vibrate option on distance grab

This next update will be a little while away as my main focus next is to get the PC version out, but please keep your feedback coming! 


Changing Time (WinVR v1.1 - Current) 1,010 MB
78 days ago

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