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This is another amazing game! I've just recently come across your games through changing time, and I've got to say so far i have been blown away by them!

I've got to ask, i do game development as my IRL job, so i was wandering, how long on average does it take for you to make one of these short indie games? I've always wanted to give it a go, but worried i wont have the time lol

cant wait to try out your others!

Thank you so much, that's a huge compliment coming from another developer!

Hard to say how long it takes. It usually takes a solid year or more for me to go from concept to release - but to be honest, I only get in 10-15 hours of work per week, so it could probably be much faster if I had more time.

oh wow that's longer than I was expecting XD so may I ask another question, what keeps you motivated to keep going? Obviously I do it as a job so I have to do it, but whenever I try to make one at home i lose interest XD

Sorry for the slow reply...and because I don't have any good advice to offer. To be honest, I don't have an issue finding motivation, I simply enjoy making games. Even if I never released anything publically, I think I'd still spend my free time creating them anyway. Part of it is definitely the subject matter too, since I make the kind of games that I want to play. I don't think I'd have fun if I was just making a first person zombie shooter or something like that.

Love this game, super great work! How do you make your models and animations? I'm working on a game of my own, and I want to have the player character transform a lot like what you do here.

I will say, I noticed an odd glitch with the room just before the boss--it seems that going out and back in respawns the page in that room, which increases the collection counter by one each time you do it. Similarly, the trigger for the final dialogue can be triggered multiple times; in fact, by accidentally attacking at a specific moment, I managed to trigger it twice without leaving the room. Didn't check if it worked again, but it was strange.

Also, I think some of the trigger areas for camera changes could stand to be expanded a bit. On the second floor, between the science lab and the room with the circle of desks, I managed to run past the trigger and wound up navigating the whole room blind because I didn't want to get back in range of the other ghosts. (I'm also not entirely sure the ghosts for that room were properly loaded, as I somehow escaped unscathed.)

Not to say this game was overly glitchy. For a 3D game as complex as this with a team as small, I'm impressed with the quality of the work! Definitely checking out your other games in the future.

Awesome, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Making the models for this one was actually really difficult. I used VRoid for the base model, but the male and female meshes have different vertex counts and I couldn't get the morphs to export - so there was a LOT of manual work sculpting and re-rigging.

Thank you for the bug catch with the paper! Next time I go back into this, I'll have a go at fixing it!

Really great game, lot of fun!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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I'm not sure if you're still updating this but are you able to add a second ending.
Let's say, one where you stay a guy (minimum amount of objects acquired) and one where you stay a girl (majority or all objects acquired).

Or would that be too hard to code now?

To be completely honest, I don't expect I'll be coming back to this project unless there is some kind of bug to fix. That said, I agree the ending is the weakest part of the game, and yours is an excellent suggestion. If I ever pick this up again, I'll do it, but I don't think the changes are that high.

The game is good, it's a shame that it's short... I would like a continuation...

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I am considering purchasing a VR headset (meta-quest2) in preparation for your new game. Is the new game compatible with metaquest?

It should be. I’m using the OpenXR framework (which includes Quest), and have Quest controllers mapped. However I only have access to a HTC Vive for testing, so there is a possibility of bugs or incompatibilities. Of course I’ll try to fix any problems that come up after launch, but I can’t guarantee compatibility.

thank you! I bought quest2 : )


Awesome! You're going to have a great time! My game notwithstanding, VR is so much fun!

(1 edit)

this was a fun game! But I'm surprised that there isn't a secret ending where you only got the key items needed to beat the game. But other than that, it's a pretty solid game and I look forward to more of your work

That's such a great suggestion! To be completely honest, the idea never even crossed my mind. I'll keep that in mind for future projects, thank you!


If I may suggest, I was thinking of three mini cutscenes. The least amount of objects is where he gets turned back into a boy and tells his buddies to not go in there.

If you collected optional items, it's the ending you have now and maybe a bit of dialogue with his friends.

And if you collected everything, she immediately rejects the offer of being turned back. 

With maybe an ending image of he/her new life. That is what I was thinking of. I still loved the game and I also played your other games too!


Hey bro can you make it free


It is free, but you could do the decent thing and toss a few dollars their way...


Thank you Aglondier, that's very kind of you to say!

Opppppppp - as Aglondier said, you can download the game for free. Happy for your support if willing and able, but no worries if not.

that’s alright and I understand I took a game design class myself so I know it’s a lot of work 

Also I would get it on my computer however  I have had technical issues 

I know it’s a tall thing to do but so may comments are asking for it I think Mobile support would really boost the fame


Thank you for the request. I'm not against the idea at all, but the matter of difficulty and lack of experience makes it a big hurdle. Not to mention, I don't even have an Android to test it on. I'm not saying no forever, but it's unlikely to happen. Sorry, hate to disappoint, but want to be honest & transparent.


I really enjoyed this game. If only it were that easy.

Thank you! Glad you liked it...apart from the longing desire it leaves...which I TOTALLY get too.


Will there be a sequel or another game like this in the future?


Thanks for asking. No sequel is planned, though I am planning another 3d adventure game - still in the planning stages though, so a long ways off yet.


Will it be transformation based to MTF



 nothing to brag about. Sad that there is no new game + tho


Wonderful experience! Now This is one honest gaming! 5/5. 

Tho I wish there was game plus, and to take things even further. But other than that. Bravo.


It's a creative and fun experience but I think some actual control over the camera would improve it by alot, personally find it hard to aim attacks and navigate when the camera is always moving to a certain fixed position


I went through each of your games with great pleasure! Congratulations on the last released game!
I hope someday to play a game of the same concept that is used in "Forgotten", I liked this game mechanics the most! I wish you all the best for the future!


What is Bottomless mode ?

No pants/skirt. Underwear is shown.


so how do i access bottomless do i have to defeat topless first. i looked at the map but i does show how to get bottomless 

No, topless is not required first. Bottomless is quite difficult. You have to beat the game without taking any damage.

so you cant fight back 

You can fight back from about mid-game onward - the "weapon" is available in the gym. There are a couple of playthroughs in the comments below if you'd like to see the exact location :)


Out of curiosity. the game is great by the way. Out of curiosity would it be to much to ask, if so dont wrry about it. Could you add 2 more breast sizes, & 2 more butt sizes? If it is to  much dont wrry about just thought id ask.


Hello! Thank you for your request, it makes me happy you enjoyed the game enough to want more. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to do this request. It would require re-modeling the character mesh, all the clothes, bones, animations, and physics, not to mention adding more pickups in the game to trigger. That would be a month or so of work, which is a bit much for a completed game.

That said, I have some good news. The next 3D game I'm working on already has some ludicrous sizes added in from the start. It won't be ready for a long time yet, but please follow so you can see when it comes out!

I am hoping it will mave everything, size change of body parts, fattening, thinning, height change. 

Tho, just hoping, don't get forced to add something because I said so.

Is there a way to unlock bottomless?

Yes, but it's quite difficult. You have to beat the game without taking any damage.



is it without taking any damage whatsoever or just without any deaths?

Awesome game and transformations. Well thought out.

Pros: Slow transformations that are gradual with logical progression which is what I'm looking for out of this type of game. Basic clothing system and reward system for topless and bottomless is a great start. The graphics are great and well refined. Great start with open world battling with ghosts and the boss.

Cons: Camera system is a little clunky but as a former programmer myself I understand how difficult it can be to refine. It often results in getting stuck or having difficulty moving from room to room. Would also like a zoom function to see the transformations more easily.

All and all this game is a great start and a really fun play. Would definitely love to see you come back to this game when you get some time and expand it further.  I understand these things take a lot of time and devotion. Some of the other reviews on here have some good ideas similar to mine.  Love your content thus far and look forward to see what you produce in the future.

Deleted 1 year ago

If you defeat all ghosts in the game, you can unlock bottomless mode. There's a guide available for download if you'd like to see all their locations.

The bottomless thing is broken you are only able to unlock topless

It works. You just have to beat the game while taking no damage for bottomless. Not an easy feat. Just restart the level every time you get hit. Topless is defeating all the enemies.


If you need some Ideas i have some. :-)


Thank you very much for the offer! But I already have three games in production, honestly more than I can handle at the moment. That said, I absolutely encourage you to try your hand at making a story or a game! The more content the merrier!

I meant to ask this a while ago but I forgot to. Is there a way to just view the TF animations? or maybe a way you could release a video of them in a better angle and showing what each one is? if its possible is there a way you could do the same for Changing room too?

Interesting idea! I hadn't thought to make that before. Next time I pull the project out I'll look into it!

That said, I don't think it would look very good for Changing Room. I optimised the look for first-

Aqui no Brasil estão perguntando se tem continuação.
(1 edit)

Desculpe a demora em responder, perdi seu post. Eu considerei voltar e expandir o jogo, mas não tenho planos de fazer isso agora. Muitos outros projetos no momento.

Eu sei que é difícil e demorado, mas gostaria de ver outro jogo com essa temática em terceira pessoa. Parabéns pelo trabalho e um abraço amigo!


i would just love a game like this plyed it and still love it or improve on make more items? story et


i killed all of the ghosts but it didnt let me take off the skirt. is there any reason for this? did it have something to do with me starting a new game

I'm sorry to hear that! When you completed the game after killing all the ghosts, did it say you had unlocked bottomless mode?

i dont remember seeing anything that said that. could have just missed it though. but didnt see the option when i started a new game


ive replayed the game now and just unlocked it. may have missed a ghost or it glitched on that run.

Awesome! Congratulations!


Me encanto el Juego !!! me encantaria y espero que hagas uno de Maid <3

¡Muchos gracias!  Me alegro que hayas disfrutado.


fun game! really good story :) controls are an absolute nightmare though

(1 edit) (+1)

can you see if you can make it work on mobile? 🙂 with maybe a joystick control and one maybe two buttons for controls just a question 🙂👍 I can tell it’s a good game though 



Thank you! This is great!!!

(2 edits)

I cant get the game downloading does anyone have an idea how it will download I have all the files for it am i missing anything do you need to order?


7I would like sexual content :P


Is there a reward for getting all pickups? If so I believe that its broken as it doesnt give me anything after I get all of them and there is also a bug that allows me to keep picking up the same item. Other then that I love the game and would love to see more 3d MTF games. are you planning on working on why more 3d mtf games?

Are you able to pick up all items multiple times, or a specific one? The game should count the number of items you've picked up and unlock the reward if you have 19 or more, so it definitely sounds like some kind of bug.

As far as future games, yes! The next one is in production now, though it's probably still quite a ways away (I'm very slow).


I am able to pick up the paper at the bottom of the stair case during the end multiple times and I've gotten 19/19 and even 20/19 without earning anything. Also I'm glad to hear your working on something! Can you share any details on what it is or will it be a suprise?


I've finally gotten around to playing through this game and will agree that it's pretty good. Honestly would like to see a sequel some day even if I'm not sure how you'd handle it narratively. My main complaints are with the ending, the controls, and the short length.

I won't harp on the ending too much, since there seems to be a consensus there. The fact there wasn't a gotcha where Yuki turned out to be evil or victory actually being impossible is worthy of praise. Too much horror media thinks that a sudden twist at the end where victory is yanked away last second is quality writing. So I'm glad you didn't, even if I'd have liked there to be more choice in how it ends rather than be so vague. I'm hesitant to actually call it anticlimactic given that it comes after a difficult fight, but it'd work better with some falling action of some kind.

This might be a bit of bias, but I'm not too fond of the controls. Both styles feel clunky and the lack of controller support makes it harder to work with for me. That being said, this is a relatively minor problem in the grand scheme of things and I understand that a lot of work is involved with this kind of stuff. So I wouldn't worry too much about it in the long run.

As for the short length, I feel that it would've been nice to have a slightly longer and more involved story. As it is, it's not bad but I was surprised at just how quickly I got through it. I also understand that this isn't as simple as pressing a, "more content" button. And what's there is by no means bad, maybe a bit simple, but still good.


Thank you for the honest and detailed feedback! I TOTALLY agree on the horror betrayal trope - and specifically wanted to avoid it. Thanks for noticing!!


Many clothes are good
(1 edit)

Thank you for making this!




Whelp, downloaded this game last night, and just beat it 3 times in a row.
Controls are a little clunky but nothing too bad, and outside of a few weird camera positions I don't really have anything to complain about.

first and second run took me about 20 minutes each, and then my third hitless run took me about 9:48

Fun game, though it's a bit short, but hey. Makes a decent little speedrun game. I think optimally should only take about 9 minutes to complete.

Good job on the game, and keep up the great work... maybe come back for a sequal.  I will say though, I kinda wish we'd get more on the mc's feelings at the end.


Thank you very much for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

The vague ending is a pretty common criticism. I was trying to let the viewer choose what happens in their own headcannon, but seems to have just ended up a bit unsatisfying. But hey, mistakes and feedback are how we learn, so I really appreciate your comment. Thanks again!

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