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(1 edit) (+1)

Gameplay traduzindo para português do Brasil!

Personally, I thought the orbi lighting effects and floor reflection were phenomenal!

Thank you!!!!


Uncommented gameplay!

That's awesome! Thank you!
If it's not too much trouble or against your channel policy, would you mind linking this page in the comments? No worries if not.

(1 edit) (+1)
I intend to play on my main channel, intended for adult games and translation into Brazilian Portuguese. I will publish your page there. I look forward to more games like this and a hug friend! 
channel link: <a href=""></a>

Thank you again!



I don 't want to step on a sore spot . 

Do you accept ideas about new games ?

Hi! To answer your question - yes and no. I'm open to new ideas, but I work extremely slow and I already have the next game after Ridinghood in development, so it would be a matter of a year or more before I got started on another project. I'd hate to get your hopes up and not be able to pull through. Conversely, we always need more content in this community, so I'd encourage you to give it a go and make the game yourself! It seems daunting, but remember, this was only my third game!

Mmmmm. How do I explain it to you ?

 I apologize to you for a stupid question that you can answer - yes and no!

 I 'm not waiting for some miracle or you were open to new suggestions about creating video games.

 I just wanted to ask you .

Can I ask you 2 questions ? 

What will be the new game ? 

You have a lot of worries in your life - You can afford a weekend to relax :)

Not that many worries ;)
The new game will be a spiritual successor to Changing Room. Currently in pre-production now - so quite a long way from completion. Focusing on finishing Little Red first.


Hi , tell us what are the bonuses in this game for passing ?

Hi! There are no bonuses for completing the game, however, there is a bonus for defeating all the enemies and one for collecting all the pickups. You can find the locations of these in the downloadable guide :)

women 's underwear ?

For passing the game , if you understand it that way ?

could you pleeeeeeas release to browser?


vry good would reccomend

Do you have a Discord ?


Sorry! No Discord, I'm really bad at social media.


Don 't you understand social media ?

One can understand social media while still not being good at managing it, and Discord servers are especially difficult to handle.






Hey, don't ask about outrageously cool, this game can only go on a computer. 

On android, only 2d can go, with the 3d version, hands cannot reach. 

It's better to wait for a new game project from this developer, and thank you for your attention :) 

This game has bonuses for passing!!!


Is it coming for android?

Unfortunately no, I'm still fairly new to making games, and I don't know how to optimize for mobile. I think the game would likely need to be recreated from start. Sorry!


I'm wondering what you mean by the sentence (I'm planning this for the next one) ? 

Will there be an update in the future?

Oops, sorry for the confusion. "Next one" means the next game I'm working on. Sorry, it's still a vague concept, so no hints yet ;)


Don't worry! if you update something. Will you please send the link?

 Don 't forget about your personal life !

 Relax dude ;)

You can click "follow (account name)" in the upper right to get notifications whenever they post a new game or update!

I'll try it now.

Click (follow)?

(3 edits)

Yeah, it's the second one from the top. It looks different on mobile, where it shows up at the bottom of the screen instead.


Hello DesiDee Games.



The game is very good :)

 You will be able to make the detail (breast expansion) slightly larger:

 With the size of a basketball.

I’m unlikely to revisit this game, but I’ve gotten a lot of requests for larger sizes, so I’m planning on it for the next one. :)


I think you should make the ending look a little better, it doesn't affect the player's feelings. However, I like the presentation of the game.


damn i just played it and loved it how he turns into a girl and loves it is super cute would love to see more from it tho like it was soooo damn good the story too like with how the changes made him more into herself plz update i

Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits)

The last update to the game itself was in July 2021 and included a long list of changes. See the devlog here: 1.20 update

Also, due to numerous requests, I updated this page at the beginning of 2022 with a map/guide to show where all the enemies are. No changes to the game this time. To get this, click “download now” on this page and choose the Map/Guide pdf.


really neat little game! will you do a game like this in the future maybe on a bigger scale i would love to see one 

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! I’m working on a similar game now - but it’s still in planning. Sorry I work pretty slow so I probably won’t finish for a year or so.

awesome can't wait to see it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Camera controls aside, this has to be the best TG game there is!

Nice simple transformation just the way I like it. The combat was great and the horror aspect if nice too

Could add in additional transformations to further it on if you know what I mean

If there were only more of this type of transformation M to F games....

(1 edit) (+1)

A lot of people are complaining about how weird the camera is, but... that's how most survival horror games used to play. It does make the controls a bit awkward, admittedly, but it's something I'm kinda used to. (Tank controls help some -- they're kinda awkward in their own way, but there's much less issue with having to reorient yourself as the view changes)


Very good idea and implementation the only minus being the camera.

(1 edit) (+1)

:/ the game is great but... imo the cctv camera gimmick (instead of following the player) doesn't work for me:

  • less immersion (since you're not following the MC around)
  • awkward angles + most of the time MC takes like, 1 pixel. also means you can't walk up to get a close up of items. not that it's necessary, but still
  • also while the default control mode is nicer to use, i feel like something's wonky sometimes. not sure if sometimes it just doesn't change when switching cameras, or if each camera has an orientation and it's just set wrong for some of them?
    • but also i feel like controls would be a lot smoother if camera just followed the player. with tank controls, turning takes forever which makes it really awkward in combat when you're, say, trying to run away quickly, or even just strafe. as for camera controls, you'll have to change the direction you move in every time the camera changes which i think would be quite frustrating

oh also i feel like the revive animation is way too long.


Thank you for the feedback! I agree with a lot of the points you make, and am really happy that you could enjoy it despite the criticisms. For the next big project, I'm definitely going to do a standard follow-cam. Thanks!


This game is a ton of fun! I loved the interactions between the two main characters and the over all changes were pretty solid. Good creepy atmosphere and understandable mechanics. I would love to see more of this and am glad I bought a copy. 
Probably one of my top transformation games as well as one of my favorite in general.
The controls can be a little off putting at first but the game can be pretty easily navigated after some initial trial and error.


this game in incredible but the only downside is see is the camera its really weird but other than that its a really good game   


Love the game... only thing that I can fault are

1) NO REAL ENDING!! Sorry but I would like a proper ending epilogue. Dose he/she change back, do his friends and family recognize him has his past changed to reflect what he has become.

2) The cam angles can be difficult (but not impossible) to work with.

3) Too short I would love for there to be more of it.

4) (I don't know if anyone else has this problem but) when my character moves her breast vibrate? at high speed.

But all this is MY THOUGHTS again love the game and even if nothing changes still had fun playing it good job.


I found 17/19 on my first playthrough, can I know where all of them are so I can see it all?

(1 edit) (+1)

None of them are hidden anywhere the camera won't show. Just search each room as thoroughly as possible. Also, some of them are *extremely* difficult to safely get without using your attack, so you might wanna unlock it before going all in on the search. (If I had to guess, you either missed the one in the clock tower that's most visible from the top of the stairwell, or one or more of the ones in and around the staff room)

EDIT: I may put together a complete location guide later if I can.

Thank you for the suggestion, I finally got around to this myself and added a map guide to the downloads. Thanks again for the push!

(10 edits) (+2)

honestly, this game is just incredible. I must have played through it about a dozen times by now, and I think it's one of the best transformation concepts on (no death & full completion run, success)! The story is already so interesting: the premise of gathering memories is really nicely woven into the gameplay and exploration (and I'm a sucker for finding collectables in games!). Even the progression is incredibly well done--the first spirit in the courtyard and the gradual ramping up the difficulty with more spirits to avoid or defeat was wonderfully explored. Level design and enemy placement is so creative and really stellar as well; all the areas feel very distinct in layout and use of space!! Being given Yuki's attacking power halfway into the game was empowering and wonderfully changed the experience from survival-horror to more of an ARPG in a very, very fun way--absolutely loved that moment on my first playthrough^^

I do have the occasional troubles with the camera sticking and movement/aiming precision, but these have become less frequent as I play through the game more. It may have been a really nice concept to have the spirits induce gradual mental changes in the protag with each defeat and have the collectables induce physical changes, but I understand weaving them together as the narrative progresses. That said, I do find myself more engaged with the first couple of beginning changes and less so with the end-game changes because they're so similar. As a suggestion, maybe having a small progress meter or counter on the pause menu to track deaths/active spirits/collectables would be useful to prevent playing through the whole game and only finding out at the end that you missed a pickup somewhere. 

But anyway, suggestions aside, I think my personal highlight was solving the banner-glasses puzzle and figuring out how to no-damage the final boss. I'd love love love to see this game expanded out into a longer experience if you had the time and interest to do so; it's already got such a fantastic foundation! I feel like I can very easily imagine the transformations taking place over a longer period of time, unlocking different helpful abilities with Yuki gradually remembering herself (things like maybe a time freeze, shield, multi-hit attack, etc?), and expanding the gameworld so that perhaps a gate in the beginning courtyard area could be opened upon defeating the Vice Principal--(maybe this building isn't the only one that's haunted at this university campus)! A scenario where player could run into his old friends from the intro, but they don't recognize him due to the transformations might also be so fun to watch play out. My imagination with how this game could grow even larger is going in all sorts of directions now--suffice it to say that playing through this was a really inspiring experience for me.

Regardless of if you had any intent to keep building upon this game, just bravo on making something so memorable. I'm absolutely in love with what you've made here, and I'll keep on the lookout for more of your work in the future


Wow! Thank you so much for the glowing review! I’m so happy you enjoyed the game!


A short but wonderful little game! It's nice to see people deviating away from the usual text games with generic porn images ♥


This is amazing - I really love what you have done here! The controls and everything are a little jarring, but the overall game idea and that you have the slow transformation of the character model is just spectacular!!

I would love to see more on this type of game from you - it is really worth some money for donation.

We need to see more of this type of game because this is moving away from the "everything TG needs to be Visual Novel, or RPGMaker". This proves there is a great potential in new game medium.

Thank you for the wonderful comment! Definitely more to come (albeit slowly)!


whoa nice I just found out you made a new game, I like it so far maybe more outfit collectables would be nice to custom the mc with many outfit options like more casual girl wear or somethin, a nude mode would be nice, I like that this game  uses anime style model and themes. I think a similar changing room game idea would be nice with the anime model style with the 3rd person transformation view

Thank you so much, for the comments, ideas and just for enjoying the game! Some great ideas here!

(1 edit) (+4)

This game has a great concept. But, I did find some small issues.

1) The camera is sometimes misplaced. This prevents seeing some enemies. In addition, when we change rooms, the move directions change. 

2) The game is too short to properly develop the character and the impact of transforms. The main character should be developed a little better. Give it a solid background. So that the player feels the real impact of the transformations. The physical transformation can be separated from the mental transformation. When we collect objects we transform the physical and when we die we transform the mind. And so, we can have several possible endings. One ending where the character becomes a man again, another where he agrees to remain a woman and one where he becomes a bimbo. The way the character walks could change depending on his mental changes to. Maybe add a level in the cellar? Add some boss?

Keep it up. With some modification the game will be perfect ^^


the Linux build seems to be missing files:

4.24.1-10757647+++UE4+Release-4.24 518 0 
Disabling core dumps.
Project file not found: ../../../Forgotten/Forgotten.uprojectExiting abnormally (error code: 1)

Thank you for your comment, this is the first time to hear about this bug, I'll look into it! (Don't want to make any promises I'll be able to fix it though, I know less than nothing about Linux, sorry)

Tell me if there's any way I can assist you or give some feedback to make it work, if you want or need it.

In the mean time I tried the windows version through proton (Valve's compatibility layer). There are some graphical glitches and the controls are a bit inconsistent (especially when switching camera angles) but I could make it through with a gamepad. The camera angles are quite on the nose sometimes haha. A guy turning slowly into a girl I guess is a fantasy that can speak to me ¬‿¬

Nice job. Polishing it a bit more would be lovely.

Deleted post

Thank you for playing and for your comment! I originally planned for the knock-downs to trigger the changes, but it didn't work for the gameplay (if you wanted a lot of changes, you'd just stand there and let the ghosts hit you).

But I love the knockdowns causing mental changes! Wish I'd thought of that earlier. Thank you!

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(1 edit) (+1)

That's awesome! I totally recommend jumping into gamemaking, the barriers have never been lower. This is only my second 3D game. Happy to help if you need advice!

Deleted post

Youtube videos FTW! Start small (like my other game, Changing Room) just one room and a simple repeatable mechanic. Give yourself time (CR took a year).


how many collectibles are there? and is there a topless mode?


16 pickups which induce changes, 19 in total.

There is both a “topless” and “bottomless” mode (not naked, just underwear). You can unlock them by killing all ghosts in the entire school (except ones spawned by the boss - don’t worry about them) for topless; and by completing the game without taking any damage for bottomless. The options are then available in the bathroom change menus on your next playthrough.


10/10 Only Thing I Slightly Dislike Is The Hitbox On The VP Tentacle 


Thank you for playing! I’m so glad you liked it. Some others mentioned the same issue with the boss, so I’ll try to tone it down in a future update.


Played it all the way through, I really enjoyed it. The controls could use some updates, but besides that it's a really fun game.


My first live play video! That’s awesome, thank you!!!

You're welcome, I hope you enjoyed it.

Show post...



And another live play! This is so cool, thank you for taking the time to make this!


i never played it before but i can tell its gonna be really nice. :)


also some people are reporting they have issues with the controls here.


Thanks for your comment! Yeah, these controls seemed most natural to me, but now I see how it might not feel that way for others. I'm working on an update that will include tank controls like the old PS horror games. Coming soon(ish)!

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